Metaphysics of Self-Mastery, Vrilock Press

Inside of every person is an inner-fire, the center of will. This is the true identity which society has masked with incredulous words like ‘imaginative’, ‘hunches’, and ‘false hope’. Vrilock is redelivering an ancient message updated by contemporary experiences and an illustrated study guide for seeking out this inner-fire and spirit of man! Reading Metaphysics of Self-Mastery will help you get well on your way to discovering the greater part of yourself that has been lost to a civilization demanding your complacency and annihilation of true freedom. With all that is going on in the world many people have lost hope. Well, now there’s something you can do about it! Read this book. Learn my life story. And follow simple illustrated diagrams to build instruments which will help you change your life for the better today!

People who’ve woke up to a feeling that ‘something’ is wrong, will undoubtedly have all manner of questions, and to the greater annoyance of those wearing the title of authority. But, you have a right to know the answers to your questions! To this, Vrilock delivers in his new e-book: Metaphysics of Self-Mastery! A practical study guide and story that will awaken the giant within every person who reads this book today!

Ever wonder why you lose concentration? Your thoughts swim away from you like a slippery fish? Do you sometimes feel nearly ill to your stomach around certain types of people, and you cannot identify what the cause of this feeling is? Well, this new book is partially intended as a means to answer all of these questions, and as a guide to improve your lot in life. But, you need empowerment from the source that exists inside us all. I’m going to prove to you in this lesson guide that something has been obscured from your mind, and a greater part of yourself has been asleep while growing up in a world of concrete and lies. You will be rewarded by the enlightenment and simple methods in this book which absolutely empower you, and ultimately set you free from oppression.

First you need the tools, and this book is the first in a series of guides to help you get all that you will ever need in this life!

For a limited time we are giving this book away for a steal deal price! See our shop page for details about the book!

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