VSA Occult Audio Companion Series for Vrilock Psionics Training and Magick Books!

Listen and absorb all of the occult power via a new series of occult short-audios! Combine these with your Vrilock VPG e-books for an ultimate magick duo enchantment! Check out the Vrilock VSA's short audio series in the shop page!

The NEW Vrilock Short Audio (VSA) Series is a listening companion for the most important magick hallows and psionic instruments paired with your important chakras!

This empowers you! And fast! Nowhere else is there such a powerful and reliable system in our public magick shop and with dependable coaching support programs offered through our Insiders Club at vrilock.club!

READ our REVIEWS for the Vrilock New Thought Movement! and the Vrilock Club!


Combine the VSA series with your favorite magick ebooks on vrilock.com/shop!

For example, if you want to consider reading The Miraculous Prayer Board Guide, but you’re still not sure about spending more than ten dollars on a book, go ahead and purchase the audio companion (VSA) for that book!


If you have read the book you can expand on the topic by listening to the VSA’s!


When you purchase the ‘The Metaphysics of Self-Mastery’ you will also expand your abilities if you buy the VSA ‘The Magick Rod’.

Buy the ebook ‘The Wondrous Wheel!’ and the VSA short audio companion for the ‘The Wondrous Wheel!’ and you have yourself a powerful duo of visual and audible occult and magick power!

Cut to the chase and buy the TRIO for the VSA audio companion series, AND get the TRIO for the ebooks! Save yourself time. Advance quicker than your friends who are idling in the local New-Age bookstore, and skip ahead of the lineup for big publishing houses and their latestg attempt to snatch from your pocketbook!


BOOM! I know it rocks, baby! It’s for real, and this deal is all about you!

Come on in to the shop and get what is duly your portal to personal happiness, self-empowerment, and financial success with this powerful magick technology! vrilock.com/shop >>>


Join my club to get SUPER DISCOUNTS! Exclusive reports and how-to occult psionics videos are waiting for you in the club! Get magick and psionics coaching directly from Vrilock! As a club member we’ll keep in touch as you work your way through magick, psionics, and achieve the occult power! Join V.O.C.U.S. Psionics Training Program in the Insiders Club!

Go to the Club to get started!

Get my club exclusive audios, e-documents, my personal magick journals, psionics how-to videos, and my coaching communication system so that you can talk to me directly as you work on the magical lifestyle and self-empowerment. Plus, I may send you a little help to get you really rock'n with magick!

Why pay a hundred bucks for a couple of New-Age books when you can get real occult materials, ebooks, reports, audios, how-to videos, and my coaching system for just $29. dollars a month?

Check out my club and choose a payment plan that is right for your budget and occult training needs!

Enter the next phase in psionics power!

It’s easy! I make it straightforward and simple for you to get started! Plus every downloadable item from my magick shop is fun-filled with illustrations or smooth audio for your pleasure and learning experience!

vrilock.com/shop >>>

We have occult audio companion books, magick ebooks, psionic robot printed and full color illustrated books, and prayer board instruments for sale!
