Psionics April Fools Hysteria and 5 Dollars OFF Special!

Well, ladies and gentlemen, Happy April fools day! And when you learn what kind of deal I have for you today you’ll have all week and weekend to shop all my psionics at a villainously low cost to you! But, moving on to the times.

Yes. The times. Dreadful isn’t it? But let’s take back some of our time and woe by practicing some self-empowering psionic magick tonight!


Times of uncertainty, anxiety, and prospective outbreaks of social unrest can build up on a person. With limited resources to help ordinary folks vent out this frustration, well, it would all seem like a bunch of doom and gloom is in order. But, I write today in the hopes of reestablishing a sense of order through personal power.

Psionics is that personal power! We’re talking high tech magick!

Did you realize that all the tools that you’ll likely need are in three easy to read ebooks? Illustrated, too. And, hell, you even get some bonus comics with your ebook. Each one of these ebooks also has a partnering audible variant for people who prefer to cut to the chase with a short audiobook about psionic magick, wishing machines or prayer board instruments.

Need magick servitors or minions to do your bidding? There are currently two audiobooks on this very topic of summoning spirits without all the ritual jargon. Actually, all anyone needs to create spirit servitors is an iPhone or smartphone, a pair of Gummy earphones and a flashlight!

Uncertainty can be a real hamper on anyone’s day. Yess, I’m talking about the Corona virus. Everything comes down to where one gets their information from. And, truly, can we really trust any sources these days? Well, you can certainly trust your pendulum and dowsing charts!

Speaking of dowsing, I have an excellent multimedia bundle anyone can download to learn dowsing today! All you need is a simple pendulum that you can purchase on eBay. In fact, I have instructions within my dowsing package for how to construct your very own pendulum, which will more likely work better for you if you build it yourself.

Dowsing is simple. Download my multimedia package called ‘Dynamic Dowsing Disclosure!’ and get started exploring the world of hidden and secret information!

With so much material to read and listen to, you’re probably wondering if I have some kind of special or deal for you. Well, it just so happens that I do! It’s the April Fools Special, and it is running from today and throughout this weekend!

What’s so foolish about this deal? I’m throwing away powerful intellectual property for a villainously low price to you!

Starting from today through next Monday you will be able to get anything in the shop for $5 OFF ANY download from the psionics shop! Anything and everything downloadable from the shop will be discounted at five dollars off! Save big on psionics!

Here’s what you have to do next,…

Consider beginning with my Vrilock Practical Guides - VPG’s. Download the entire Trio and save!

Next, you’ll need to learn how to dowse before you progress into the field of radionics and wishing machines. So, consider learning more about dowsing.

The most important and most powerful skill that you can have at your disposal is dowsing. Dowsing is the stuff that makes all of these wishing machines, radionics, psychotronics, and psionic magick work! Divination is the foundation upon which all wishing machines and radionics was built!

The more you improve dowsing, the more you will be able to do with your wishing machines, radionics, psionics, and prayer board instruments! Yess! And, by the way, my ebooks, audiobooks, and multimedia packages make magick an easy grab and dash!

Enjoy Vrilock’s foolish discounts all week and weekend long! Now, at long last you have something to look forward to amidst the hysteria of media and virus outbreak. So, hunker down and chill like a villain with these awesome psionics books, audiobooks, and multimedia downloads from Mr. Vrilock!

Get your $5 OFF download on ANY product ALL WEEK AND WEEKEND! >>>

Keep the magick high!

Vrilock signing out!
