Be the Hero of Your Own Story! Miraculous Prayer-Board!

You’ve witnessed Vrilock’s work with the Miraculous Prayer-Board for a number of world events over a period of several plus years! Some of my students have manifested miracles of the own in the world by following my occult coaching system. People who were ordinarily not particularly psychic have learned to bring about wondrous changes in the world, tap into their inner willpower, and find their true self in an amazing journey through Vrilock’s practical guide to Metaphysics of Self-Mastery. Only then going on to master Vrilock’s practical guide to The Miraculous Prayer-Board with astounding success. People are becoming the hero of their own story!
We live in truly amazing and miraculous times! The worst of us have become far worse. Yet, the best of us are shining with an inner willful personal sun of glory which will be renowned through history when our next generation revels in our heroic efforts to restore what is left of our world.
People are waking up to realize that this planet belongs to all of us. It isn’t just for someone else to tell us how to live or what to think. We’re getting rid of all the bad programming, by first recognizing it for what it is. Then, we move on to discovering the true self, just as Carl G. Jung outlined in his awesome intellectual research of humanity’s great challenge to lift the individual back into the light of importance in society. As occultists we take this journey a step further by carrying forward the teachings of William Walker Atkinson, the greatest pioneer of the New Thought Movement of the 1900’s, which speaks to us of every individual (sentient being) is a key component of a greater cosmic eternal omniscient and omnipresent wonder!
These are wondrous times indeed. My bio, blogs, tweets, audios and videos point to my own successes over a period of decades (see older web logs). I invite you to become the hero of your own story by learning from one of the most successful masters of the occult.
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Read Vrilock's practical guides to self-empowerment and miracles (VPG’s):
Begin the journey. The path to the true self is a prince's journey to the ultimate truth. It all becomes clear to you what is wrong with the world, and where you are the hero of your own story. Read: Metaphysics of Self-Mastery!
Manifest a miracle in the world, for yourself or for your family! Don't let this miraculous manifesto of occult books pass you by! Easy to build at home. Cheap to build. Download your copy of *The Miraculous Prayer-Board Guide* today!
When you are ready to move forward with our coaching system you’ll have a club to call home, where your needs are understood by our headmaster, Tom Vrilock. Plus, Tom Vrilock will answer your questions about magick and the occult, personal empowerment, and give advise and wisdom to help you resolve personal and life challenging problems where the occult meets with your experiences.
Not sure yet? We understand. Read Vrilock’s FREE REPORT about the V.O.C.U.S. program available to our Insider Club Members—exclusively!
Here's what our colleagues have to say about the report...

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