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Psionic Rituals Artificer!

Advance into the wisdom of ceremonial tabletop magick hacked by psionics! Keep The Magick High in Herr Doktor Vrilock Psionics Metaverse, Digital Rituals!...

Herr Doktor Vrilock has prepared for you dear friend and sorcerer the combo of your dreams: Psionic Rituals Artificer - an ultimate documentation of the desktop ceremonials of wizardry, further augmented by chaos magick, and enhanced via psionics!

For these two power documents combined in one fell swoop!—Download for only $39.99! And the secrets of Uber magus Herr Doktor are yours for the plunder!

Surround yourself in layers of adjurations, or influence the world to do your bidding! Then go on to craft servers who will work for you 24/ 7! (Now, how about THAT Mr. Munson! Muahahahaaa! Stop drooling!)

The best in raw mental power, focused-concentration, and technomancy is always here in Herr Doktor’s laboratory and sinister library of super science and sorcery!

Make a mad dash for the Psionic Rituals Artificer Combo!

$10 OFF: Limited time offer!

Keep the Magick High!

- Herr Doktor V.!

Keep The Magick High in Herr Doktor Vrilock Psionics Metaverse, Digital Rituals!

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