There's Simply Too Much Magick! At Vrilock Psionics!
You've got a radionic box. Great! But, you probably have more projects to work on than you can possibly accomplish with one box. I thought we might hit this little snag. As it is your time of arrival to this channel is most opportune! For, know you this, I have been working on multitasking and micromanaging of psionics projects for 35 years! And here is the answer to all of your problems...
May I introduce you to the Channel Mixer RBX e-document for only $22.99. This knowledge goes well beyond the use of a machine to control multiple projects if you read between the lines and follow my logic.
Download your copy»
And... If you're bored to tears of radionics... Read "Psionic Robot" e-book, just $49.99 Download! >>
Even better... This April you get 25% off some club items in the public shop! Hoot! Woot! Bada bing!
25% Off Club Items! (Coupon code: april25)
Penetrate all secrets with a new Necromancer Elite Dowsing Kit! (2 power books, charts, and a pendulum of intuition!)
Download Dynamic Dowsing Disclosure! (multimedia pack!)
Download Soul Keeper Combo! (Master the arcane secrets of cthonic servitors!)
Psionic Rituals Artificer Combo! (Perform ritual psionics and craft your multitude of minions!)
Download Psionic Cosmic Generator!(Learn the secrets of Psychotronics!)
Use a Channel Mixer RBX to micromanage rates across many devices!
Dive deep into the might of the runes with Hammer of Vrilock! (Part of the Rune Rise Program in the club!)
25% off‼️ Use code: april25 (under Vrilock Club Products)
Just for you, Lords and ladies!