Do You Own Your Soul?
Do you own your own soul? Chances are you don’t even know. But what if I were to tell you, that if you could only know the real you? Oh, imagine all the things—wonderful things!—you could do? Manifest a miracle or two? Command the legions of the netherworld! Summon every god or spirit to your side! Go on a midnight starry ride! Across the globe! In the blink of an eye!
Yess. Well, the chances are that you really did not know that the power of the gods is in your own soul. And may I tell you a thing or so, that if you knew the real you just how far ya could go? Capture the lunar spirits of the moon! Reveal all the secrets of Saturn and Hades without ceremony or ritual plugs! No need for fancy props or sage smudge! All that you’d really need to do… Is understand what Herr Doktor is telling you! No ritual rites or ceremonial Hoodoo. Read it yourself without further ado!
And it is absolutely true. You go through life believing that the destiny of your soul is in the hands of the cosmos, karma, the devil, or maybe even wall street :)
The truth of the matter is that your soul is the power of your aura on astral fire in your mind’s eye! Herr Doktor will show you how to ignite the power of ritual fire without all the ceremonial ritual. Just read this combo of two power tomes to get the big picture centered into your mind’s eye!
Shop for Soul Keeper Combo:
Related deals from Herr Doktor Vrilock! >> Get the power of the life-force of the gods and goddesses, lords and ladies! Take advantage of this limited time offer discount to the Vril Fire and Ice full fledge runic power video course!
Attention, Keeper! I see you have discovered a magical item! Correction—2 magical items!! Let’s have a look! Herr Doktor presents you with the ultimate level up from necromancy—The Soul Keeper’s secret to super sorcery! In this new combo of two power tomes you will master the arts of soul magick! Get your download of Soul Keeper! Two power tomes for advanced ethereal projection and smart minions!
Here are some details you may find in this delicious combo!
Vol. I. Psionic Wraith:
Command the most powerful energy in the universe: The supernatural and paranormal frequencies of ghosts!
Vol. II. Psionic Visage: Craft the most powerful constructs imaginable: ghost forms, servers, ghastly floating eyeballs, and undead eidolons! You’re the necromancer advancing into the power realms of soul sorcery through psionic methods simplified by Herr Doktor Vrilock!
Get this combo before it’s gone! This is the ultimate power that you must possess!
Add more spells and psi abilities to your magical repertoire!
Perform high magick from your desktop or crafting table! Then hack it with psionics!
Psionic Rituals Artificer Combo!
Wizard’s price: $49.99
You’re ready to command the powers of the Necroverse!!!
Herr Doktor V.!
+ + + + Weekend Special! + + $20 OFF+ + +
Vril Fire and Ice is the power of the gods on your monitor, laptop, or smartphone screen! Bring all the powers of the ends of the universe into your mind’s eye! Boost your life-force and your knowledge of the runes in a very fun video course!
Download here! >>> (under Video Courses)