Club Apps for Psionics Updates and New Edition! Log in!
Hello friends of VRILOCK PSIONICS!
Hope you're enjoying the August sales discount! >>
On the go or wherever you happen to find yourself in life you have the necessary tools to work your will in all of life’s challenges. My old mentor used to say that my initial training exercises were designed to teach my mind to be able to act in any given situation. In those bygone days of yore, I worked through a series of physical, emotional, and mental exercises to make my mind very strong. These exercises began with things like blindfold exercises, determining the color of construction paper by touch (psychometry), and emotional strength exercises and awareness exercises which tested my sense of vulnerability vs stability while having my hands physically bound in public. I wore a coat over my bonds so that bystanders and the occasional passerby would not know that I was physically bound. The idea was not to attract attention to myself, but rather to study my own feelings and learn how my mind works.
Fortunately, my club members do not need to go through the various extremities of vigorous training that I did. Instead, you have access to a wealth of reading and viewing materials, including audio lectures, and now—at long last—web applications that I have programmed myself to help you focus and visualize a variety of tactical thought-forms for the digital world, the financial landscape, and the mental sphere surrounding various regions in the world. You may combine these applications with your world-circuit radio, Miraculous Prayer Board, or Awesome Amplifiers to effectively influence reality as you like.
Now, let us cut straight to the newest member of our Vrilockian family of web applications. Namely, the Yellow Element Tele Flasher. This actually has a history behind it which started one day when I suggested to Chuck to utilize a Power-Point presentation slide to replace the old cardboard tele flasher. We did a lot of that sort of thing back in the early 1990’s—swapping ideas back and forth. In any event, the Yellow Element is a more specific operative for the tele flasher. This application stimulates the intelligence, mental prowess, and imbues the operator with a sense of inspiration. This is a good web app to use when you are feeling down or low on energy. It is also a good tool to use to prepare for study of any kind—whether you are crunching numbers in a workbook for school, doing your taxes, or pouring over your new psionics eBooks.
There are instructions in the Apps page for this tool, but I’ll simply state that you have a small variety of images to work with, and I can always add more as we upgrade the app. So, at length send me your feedback and requests. Or share your stories with me about what you experience! Questions? By all means utilize the club messaging system!