Ending a Summer of Sorcery! New Psionics Adventures just for YOU!
Necromancers of the diabolical dessert! Cosmic Vikings of Odin the Terrible! Welcome to the Vrilock Fun Festive Psionics Sales for End of Summer Sorcery! Keep The Magick High in Herr Doktor Vrilock Psionics Metaverse, Digital Rituals!
Polymorph into the unconventional techno viking hero! Build up the POWER of your MIND’S EYE with the VRIL: Fire and Ice video course! Fill your entire psionic being with the ancient spirit of the runes in a whole new techno modern magical self-empowerment system! >> Vril:Fire&Ice
Diablo fiends, enjoy playing the Necromancer? Now see what a Psionic Necromancer can REALLY DO! And if you’re a Rifts RPG’s bio wizards geek, then Herr Doktor has a wicked surprise for your laboratory! Just so happens to be that Psionic Splicing for spirit sigils is more power than fiction! Check out these gemstones of the VRilock Psionics Metaverse! Digital power tomes scribed by the gloved hand of the super villain wizard of technomancy, Herr Doktor von Vrilock!
Psionic Necromancer: Beginners Book >> https://a.co/d/hbT91nY
Psionic Splicing Psionic Splicing https://a.co/d/eku0Zdj
Dare to enter the forbidden arts! Seek the answers to the ultimate psionic super science and sorcery! Join the Club Goddamit! Muahahahaaa! Hail, Azazel! King of Portals! Hail to the King!!!
For the more courageous adventurer loot the bounty at vrilock.com/shop and fill your magic sack w/ technomancy grimoires! Vrilock Psionics is home to the only copies of:
Channel Mixer RBX
Psionic Robot: An Artificer’s Guide to Anthropomorphic Constructs!
Keep The Magick High!
Awesome Amplifiers!
Psionic Cryptomancer!
VPG Trio! (ebooks and audiobooks)
Fantastic Facilitators, Magical Messengers, and Dynamic Protectors - audiobook series! >>
Need a little more time between looting the coffers? Check out the dowsing multimedia package full of docs, audio, and a video lesson for those villains in need of a few more sawbucks...
Vrilock is the ONLY TRUE Cosimanian & Vrilockian Psionics Academy following in the footsteps of Charles Cosimano’s Psionic Magick teachings since 1992.
Meet HERR DOKTOR von VRILOCK! The first student of Charles Cosimano, The Godfather of Psionics! I'll walk you through all the great fun stuff--And the really hard stuff! Enjoy your journey with the lord of the phantom frequency and the psionic arts!
Completely New?
Stream, download, or rent >> Psionics Academy 101 Video Course!
Friends of Vrilock, it is true that the power of the ultimate wizard god is in his many layers of magick! The more you download and digest the more layers you will apply to your magical fortitude, intelligence, and raw psychic power!—Both in the material world and the astral visage projected into the digital realms opening unto the Metaverse!
Become the uber wraith of Web 3, and command the wandering eidolons of the spatial web!
Keep The Magick High!