Regarding the Elder and Younger Futhark for Psionics Magicians
Regarding the Elder and Younger Futhark for Psionics Magicians

Vrilock Psionics Technology Podcasting Human Psi Harmony
Previously we podcasted about our animal counterparts in the magical lifestyle. Today we're podcasting about our human energy, runes, psi

Harnessing the Power of Vril: Latest Psionics Shows and Trends
Psi and psionics vril master Tom Vrilock’s most recent esoteric teaching guides our community of rune wizards and techno mages into healthy!

Psionics, A Field of Dreams
“If you build it they will come.” That’s the big line from the film ‘Field of Dreams’; A movie about a fella who builds a baseball field...

Psionic Necromancy
Necromancy is dowsing or divining the dead. We use psionics or mind machines to contact and communicate with the Dead. Read Tom Vrilock Magi

Rune Rise and Psionics Projects
Everyone who has put forth some degree of practice into psionics knows that radionics and sigils has some limits. Let us break these limits

Telemechanics vs. Techno Tyranny
Mind over matter meets mind over machines! And systems of any kind! Break through the barrier between operations and results in magick with

Insiders Club of True Classical Occultists
Tom Vrilock and the Psionic Brotherhood opened the new occult club for classical occultists and magic this September to all colleagues who w