Virtual Vrilockian Takeover!
HERR DOKTOR VRilock wishes you a good day! And, while I have your ATTENTION 😵💫 I wish to remind you that in order to take over the...
Viva Voce and Voting via Psionics!
Discover the hidden power of dowsing with Psionics with this multimedia package for a limited time only! Buy this magick from expert Vrilock
Bloodmoon and Chthonic Forces
Fire the Moonbeamer! Learn about psionic necromancy and take advantage of the Orange Blood Moon power! Dispel the confusion! Be empowered!
Passing of Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan
The passing of Dr. Patrick Flanagan is a truly sad time, but we will honor this genius and loving spirit on Planet Vrilock Psionics!
Magical Rod for Psionics and the Occult Power!
Vrilock's discovery of the telepathy node and psychic antenna for the occult power! Read the book! Join the Insiders Club! Vrilock magic
Speed Up Results in Psionics Magick
'The Wondrous Wheel' is the guide ebook that teaches occultists and magicians the means to a swifter end. Results in psionics are sp
Manifesto of the Prayer Board, the Emerald Wand, and the Wishing Machine!
When you wish upon a Prayer Board or an Emerald Wand, there’s a miracle weaving into manifestation. There’s no telling how good you will...
Uncle Chuckie’s Second Life ;)
Eating lunch with Charles Cosimano, Vrilock asks about Second Life virtual reality worlds and psionics.