Executive’s Esoteric Secrets: Mastering the Mystical in the Corporate Arena with VMX Drive!
Executive’s Esoteric Secrets: Mastering the Mystical in the Corporate Arena with VMX Drive!

Virtual Vrilockian Takeover!
HERR DOKTOR VRilock wishes you a good day! And, while I have your ATTENTION 😵💫 I wish to remind you that in order to take over the...

Binance the Devil and the Eve of Apple Sweet Secrets
Binance buying up companies and banks around the planet should make the hairs stand up on the back of your neck! Central Bank in Bahrain...

Viva Voce and Voting via Psionics!
Discover the hidden power of dowsing with Psionics with this multimedia package for a limited time only! Buy this magick from expert Vrilock

Bloodmoon and Chthonic Forces
Fire the Moonbeamer! Learn about psionic necromancy and take advantage of the Orange Blood Moon power! Dispel the confusion! Be empowered!

Beginner Machine Dowsing Magick
Beginner machine dowsing and divination radionics psionics magick explained by Tom Vrilock. Leaving traditional wizardry for techno sorcery.

Vrilock Psionics Robots Radionics Wishing Machines Magick Manual in Print!
The Quickening is upon us! No, I’m not talking about software for doing your taxes. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist!)
Oh, what the hell is old Mr

New Clone of Typhoon Neoguri - Same Old NWO
Psionics and weather technology, a front against the global technocrat tyranny with the Psionic Brotherhood leading the frontline of spiritu