An Introduction to Animal Wellbeing and Spiritual Magick
An Introduction to Animal Wellbeing and Spiritual Magick!

Harnessing the Power of Vril: Latest Psionics Shows and Trends
Psi and psionics vril master Tom Vrilock’s most recent esoteric teaching guides our community of rune wizards and techno mages into healthy!

Where Business Executives and Professionals Master the Psionics Profit Advantage!
Vrilock Psionics is where businesses master psionics for profit and advantage! Keep The Magick High!

Unlock Your Business Potential with Psionics
Unlock Your Business Potential with Vrilock Psionics Training & Psionic Technology! This podcast delivers the insights for a psionic edge!

Transcend the mundane with the magick of Psionics. Tune in, turn on, and Keep The Magick High!
Listen to Planet Vrilock Psionics Digerati Podcast! Transcend the mundane with the magick of Psionics. Tune in, turn on, and Keep The Magick