The Armchair Magician's Guide to Remote Omnipresence and Elemental Servitors!
Spirits are at your door. But you have to open the portal to let them in to your mind! Knock-knock! Who’s there? No. Don’t bother getting...
Smart Glasses or Stupid Cyborgs?
Is augmented reality the ultimate utopia or another dystopian future? The argument spawned from a post I made on Twitter about Google...
VRilock’s Ambiguous Moonbeamer Radionics!
Psionic Magick students and subscribers of have asked Herr Doktor Vrilock about the infamous psychotronics Moonbeamer, and...
Fathers Day Psionics: AI Super Mutant Cyborgs
AI Super Mutant Cyborgs One day not far from now… In the not so distant future there will be few remnants of humanity. In its place a...
Virtual Vrilockian Takeover!
HERR DOKTOR VRilock wishes you a good day! And, while I have your ATTENTION 😵💫 I wish to remind you that in order to take over the...
Psionics, A Field of Dreams
“If you build it they will come.” That’s the big line from the film ‘Field of Dreams’; A movie about a fella who builds a baseball field...
'Psionic Reality': A New Terminology for Web3?
MR & VR Meet ‘Psionic Reality’! So, as you may have seen on Twitter I declared that I have coined the terms ‘Thought Reality’ and...
Open Influence
A greater majority of humans are open to all manner of influence at every turn in the big game of life. From environmental frequencies...