Magick Audibles, Psionics Manuals, and the Vrilock Club
Vrilock's Step by Step guide to selecting psionic magick products and services in order and effectiveness, including prayer boards, wish

Speed Up Results in Psionics Magick
'The Wondrous Wheel' is the guide ebook that teaches occultists and magicians the means to a swifter end. Results in psionics are sp

The Wondrous Wheel - VPG 3
The Wondrous Wheel is the final VPG Occult Guide to kinetic magick and the occult practice of psionics! Breakthrough in psionics training an

Enter Vrilock the Miraculous!
Learn how this simple and elegant occult instrument can give you a two-way conversation with the omniscient universal mind. Vrilock's tr

Not Satisfied W/ Magick? Let’s Train You Up!
Personally, I hear from all walks of life about the difficulties of getting mixed results in magical operations. I am familiar with those...

Magic, Mistakes, and Coaching
Having a mentor and coaching program helps us stay on top of being effective and willful magicians. Join Vrilock's coaching program, and

Progress Vs. Skepticism in Psionic Robots
Still reading Llewellyn’s New Age books? There’s nothing new about it. Read on for learning magick that works, and where it is all heading i